Heart Health Links |
American College of Cardiology |
www.acc.org |
American Heart Association |
www.americanheart.org |
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute |
www.nhlbi.nih.gov |
Mended Hearts Support Group |
www.mendedhearts.org |
National Women’s Health Information Center |
www.4women.gov |
Heart Support of America |
www.heartsupport.com |
American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation |
www.aacvpr.org |
Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality formerly Agency for Healthcare Policy and Research |
www.ahcpr.gov |
American Red Cross |
www.redcross.org |
North American Society for Pacing and Electrophysiology |
www.naspe.org |
Vascular Disease Foundation |
www.vdf.org |
Traumanursesoc.org |
traumanursesoc.org |
Trauma Center Links |
Traumacare.com |
Traumacare.com |
ENA.com |
ENA.com |
Behavorial Disorders Links |
National Institute of Mental Health |
www.nimh.nih.gov |
National Institute on Drug Abuse |
www.nida.nih.gov |
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism |
www.niaaa.nih.gov/ |
National Mental Health Information Center |
www.mentalhealth.org/ |
American Psychiatric Association |
www.psych.org/public_info/ |
American Psychological Association |
www.apa.org |
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill |
www.namiohio.org |
Alcohol |
Support organization for teenagers who have a friend or family member that is an alcoholic |
www.al-anon-alateen.org |
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse |
www.niaaa.nih.gov |
Allergy |
Allergy and Asthma Network/Mothers of Asthmatics, Inc. |
www.aanma.org |
The Food Allergy Network |
www.foodallergy.org |
Bladder Health |
National Association for Continence |
www.nafc.org |
Bone Health |
National Osteoporosis Foundation |
www.nof.org |
Breast Cancer |
National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project - Provides information on breast cancer and current clinical trials |
www.breastcancerprevention.com |
EduCare, Inc - Breast Health Education |
www.educareinc.com |
Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization |
www.y-me.org |
National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organization |
www.nabco.org |
For women with the breast cancer gene |
www.facingourrisk.org |
Cancer Information |
American Cancer Society |
www.cancer.org |
The Women’s Cancer Network Site |
www.wcn.org |
Center of Disease Control’s site for Cancer Information |
www.cdc.gov/cancer |
National Cancer Institute |
www.nci.nih.gov |
Domestic Violence |
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
www.ncadv.org |
Ohio Domestic Violence Network |
www.odvn.org |
Fibromyalgia |
Complete Fibromyalgia Site |
www.immunesupport.com |
Lists Diagnostic Criteria for Fibromyalgia and Discusses Overlapping Syndromes |
www.fmnetnews.com |
General Health |
Alzheimer’s Association |
www.alz.org |
Arthritis Foundation |
www.arthritis.org |
American Thyroid Association |
www.thyroid.org |
High Blood Pressure |
High Blood Pressure Information |
www.hypertensionfoundation.org |
American Society of Hypertension |
www.ash-us.org |
Lymphedema |
National Lymphedema Network - Official Site |
www.lymphnet.org |
Information and links to lymphedema web sites, including support groups |
www.lymphedemacircleofhope.org |
Lupus |
Lupus Foundation of America |
www.lupus.org |
Menopause |
American Menopause Association |
www.menopause.org |
Mental Health |
National Institute of Mental Health |
www.nimh.nih.gov |
National Mental Health Association |
www.nmha.org |
Mothers Network |
General Information for Moms |
www.clubmom.com |
Information on returning to the workplace. You can receive a weekly newsletter on your pregnancy’s progress - fetal development, physical challenges you may be facing, questions to ask your doctor |
www.babycenter.com |
Multiple Schlerosis |
Multiple sclerosis facts |
www.msfacts.org |
Nutrition |
Fact sheets and news releases about many of today’s prepared foods |
www.cspinet.org |
American Dietetic Association provides nutrition and referral information |
www.eatright.org |
General health with excellent general information, especially nutrition |
www.ama-assn.org |
Pregnancy |
For moms-to-be |
www.epregnancy.com |
Weight Management |
Calculate BMI (body mass index); CYBERkitchen with customized meal plans |
www.shapeup.org |
American Society of Bariatric Physicians - Information on obesity treatments, how to find the right doctor and the latest studies. |
www.asbp.org |
CDC site is excellent - Focus on exercise and activity guidelines |
www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/obesity/ |
Information on Meridia with healthy living information |
www.4meridia.com |
Excellent information on obesity, BMI (body mass index) calculators, weight management, caloric and caloric requirements; links provided |
www.roche-obesity.net |
Select exercise plans, keep personal diary of exercise, sign up for a personal trainer to help you |
www.justmove.org |
General site with much health and wellness information |
www.drkoop.com |
Women's Health |
National Center for complementary health and alternative medicine |
www.nccam.nih.gov |
Offers news and information on conditions and alternative treatments |
www.healthcommunities.com |
A general site for women’s health topics |
www.herhealth.com |
National Women’s Health Resource Center |
www.healthywomen.org |
Mayo Clinic Women’s Health Center |
www.mayohealth.org |
Health Finder |
www.healthfinder.gov |
New York Times Women’s Health Site |
www.nytimes.com/specials/women |
National Heart, Lungs and Blood Institute (Cholesterol Information) |
www.nhlbi.nih.gov |
The American Heart Association’s Women’s Web Site |
www.women.americanheart.org |
American Heart Association |
www.heartcenteronline.com |
Heart Health Information from the Mayo Clinic |
www.mayohealth.org |
Assess your risk of coronary heart disease |
www.heartanalyzer.com |
National Women’s Health Information Clearinghouse |
www.4woman.org |
Merck Manual of Medical Information |
www.merck.com/pubs/ |
Information on Premenstrual Syndrome, charting symptoms, diet advise, humor |
www.coolpress.com |
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Association |
www.pcosupport.org |
Award winning online community for professionals to relate, educate, and communicate about women’s health concerns |
www.imaginus.com |
Women's Network |
Career, fashion and beauty, fitness, money - many women’s issues |
www.women.com |
Online center for women by women |
www.oxygen.com |
Great women’s network with all types of information, health, fitness, diet, support groups, recipes |
www.ivillage.com |