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St. Rita's Employee Legends

Judi Nolan, as a Hospice nurse, exemplifies many of our Core Values and especially, respect for Sacredness of Life. Treating the body, mind and spirit, Judi often shares her musical talents, singing and playing the harpsichord at bedside for patents and families. She also leads the singing at Hospice Memorial Services and is frequently asked to sing at services for individual hospice patients.

When Judi experienced a loss in her own family, she produced a cassette tape in honor of her loved one. She generously provides copies of this tape to Hospice families or others who "need a lift".

Through her nursing and music Judi also displays Compassion, Excellence and Service. Sharing her personal talents as well as her clinical expertise, Judi truly represents our Core Values in action.

We are proud to name Judi Nolan, a Legend of St. Rita's.
St. Rita's Employee Legends

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(419) 227-3361
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If you are interested in nominating a St. Rita’s employee for the honorable Employee Legends award,
click here.