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St. Rita's Employee Legends

Karen Ricker is well respected by her co-workers for always performing her duties in ways that reflect our Core Values. Her Compassion in dealing with patients who need their medical records and her Excellence in providing departmental assistance when needed, are two examples cited by her co-workers.

Another example of her Excellence and Service, is her special contribution to the MedCare Clinic project. The Medical Records Department "adopted" the MedCare Clinic and donates small toys throughout the year. Karen decided to enlarge her personal contribution with some real recipes for success. She became a one-woman bake sale.

Karen made and sold homemade baked goods to her friends and co-workers. She then took the money from the sales to buy new toys for MedCare. By investing money in ingredients for the baked goods that she might have used to buy a few toys, Karen was able generate enough money to buy many toys.

While Karen did not think her ingenuity and generosity of time and talents were anything special, the children who delight in the toys would think her very special indeed.

We are proud to name Karen Ricker, a Legend of St. Rita's.
St. Rita's Employee Legends

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(419) 227-3361
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If you are interested in nominating a St. Rita’s employee for the honorable Employee Legends award,
click here.