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St. Rita's Employee Legends

Donna Pritchard is truly a Legend, having come upon the scene of an accident and very probably saving the life of a young girl.

Donna was driving to the bank when she came upon the accident scene.

She saw the cars and the debris in the street and no one was moving. Donna went to the car that seemed to have the worst damage just as the driver began to get out. The teenage driver was very upset and her younger sister was unconscious on the passenger side, having hit the window. The younger girl was very pale and still. Thankfully, she found a pulse and began talking with her. The girl remained unresponsive but was still holding on.

Then a man came up and said the car was on fire. The younger girl was 12 years old and fairly small. Donna was able to support her head and neck and remove her from car. A police officer arrived and used a fire extinguisher. Within moments, the fire and emergency squads arrived.

The girls' mother tracked Donna down to thank her and ask if she would visit her daughter. The child, who was in ICU for two days, had to have surgery and wanted Donna to be there. Donna agreed and provided moral support to the family.

When asked about her heroic actions Donna modestly said, "I'm an old ICU nurse, so I'm glad it all came back to me. I was glad I could help and glad I could still use the skills I've learned all these years. I was just in the right place at the right time."

Donna, who has been at St. Rita's for 36 years, is now a nurse at St. Rita's MedCare Clinic. She demonstrated Compassion, Excellence, Service and Sacredness of Life in this situation and certainly is an example of all our Core Values in her daily activities at MedCare.

We are proud to name Donna Pritchard, a Legend of St. Rita's.
St. Rita's Employee Legends

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