The Heart Center at St. Rita's

A transesophageal echocardiogram offers an excellent opportunity to obtain clear and accurate pictures of the heart. During the procedure a special probe is inserted through the back of the throat into the stomach. The patient is sedated and often remembers nothing about the procedure.

What You Should Know
On the day of the test, you should register with Outpatient Registration area on the first floor of the Medical Center behind the Information Desk. Plan to arrive one and one half hours before the scheduled time. If you have an artificial valve, you should arrive two and a half hours early so that you may receive a dose of IV antibiotics first. Following registration, you will be directed to Endoscopy on the second floor where the test will be performed. There is a waiting area outside Endoscopy for any family members.

To prepare for this test:

  • Do Not Eat or Drink Anything for Six Hours Prior to the Test
  • Empty the Bladder Before Coming In
  • Remove all Jewelry
  • Make Sure a Responsible Adult is With You Drive You Home (You Should Not Drive for 24 Hours Following the Procedure)
  • If You Have an Artificial Valve, Please Notify Cardiopulmonary Services if You are Allergic to Any Antibiotics (at (419) 226-9077)
  • Bring a List of all Medications Taken, the Dosage and Frequency
  • No Smoking for 24 Hours Before the Test

You and the performing cardiologist must sign a consent form. A brief medical history will be taken and an IV will be inserted into your arm. If you have an artificial heart valve, a dose of IV antibiotics will be given before the test begins. You will then lie on your left side and will be attached to an ECG monitor for the entire procedure. Your respiration and blood pressure will also be monitored throughout the procedure.

The back of your throat will be numbed with an anesthetic spray. You will also receive IV sedation. A nurse will be suctioning your throat as needed once the probe is inserted through the back of the throat and into the stomach. Ultrasound pictures of the heart will then be recorded and saved onto a videotape. The procedure takes about 30 - 45 minutes but you will be at the Medical Center approximately three hours.

After the test, your pulse, respiration and blood pressure will be monitored every 15 minutes until they return to normal and the IV will be removed. Once you are awake and can move around, you will be given home instructions and are allowed to leave with a responsible driver. A report will be compiled and sent to the ordering physician and any referring physician.


For More Information
(419) 226-9077
Map & Directions Map & Directions


An appointment is required. To schedule an appointment, contact St. Rita’s Central Scheduling at (419) 226-9056, Monday through Friday at 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Please notify the scheduler if the patient has an artificial valve and/or known allergies to any antibiotics.