Women's Services
MOMS Group

Mothers Offering Moms Support MOMS is a support network for all types of mothers and caregivers including those expecting a child, married and single mothers as well as those working inside or outside the home. MOMS is an organization developed for a unique phase of a woman’s life. It’s a wonderful opportunity to share your ideas and feelings (joys and frustrations) about being a mother in today’s world. Our program is always Christ-centered and is sponsored by Shawnee United Methodist Church.

MOMS is an excellent opportunity for developing friendships, promoting personal growth, finding support and motivating your creativity.

Programs include:
  • Guest Speakers
  • Lessons
  • Demonstrations
  • Discussion
  • Videos Concerning Marriage, Child-Rearing, Family Relationships, Hobbies, Health Issues and Other Topics of Interest
Also, we make a craft each month, which is yours to keep.

Childcare is provided at no cost by members of Shawnee United Methodist church who enjoy being with children. There are lots of loving hands for quality infant and toddler care. The needs of preschool children are met through active and passive play time. These activities promote social growth, friendships, healthy independence and group participation. A brief snack time is held after first checking with the mother for any special dietary instructions.

The MOMS group meets once a month from September through May on the second Tuesday from 9:15 am to 11:30 am at Shawnee United Methodist Church, located at the corner of Shawnee and Zurmehly Roads in Lima, Ohio.

We encourage you to join us and bring a friend. The information gained from the professional speakers, lessons and mothers like yourself will enhance your life as wife, mother and homemaker. There is no charge for the MOMS program, but donations to defray the cost of the program are accepted.
MOMS Group

For More Information
(419) 991-4806
Map & Directions Map & Directions