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Special Prospects Committee
Donors Continue Giving Back to the Medical Center

Since 1918, St. Rita's Medical Center has been a healthcare resource to thousands of individuals and families. St. Rita's Medical Center has become an institution people know and trust as a place that will help them stay healthy and assist them in their recovery when they are sick.

The committees that make up St. Rita's Development Council continue to work diligently to attract donors who will financially support the efforts of the medical center. According to Tim Stolly, Special Prospects Committee Chairman, "The projects and services the Development Council has been able to support represents hundreds of thousands of extra dollars St. Rita's can use to further enhance the quality of care available to the community. We are grateful to the hundreds of donors who contribute to the medical center annually - making the community a better place for everyone."

Joanne Pasion is a donor with strong ties to St. Rita's Medical Center. Her husband, the late Dr. Nicanor G. Pasion, was an anesthesiologist at St. Rita's and very involved at the Medical Center. "Medicine was our life," remembers Pasion. "He loved St. Rita's and the Medical Center was a big part of our lives."

Dr. Pasion passed away in 1993 after a long battle with colon cancer. "I wanted to do something in his memory and when I learned of the consultation room at the Cancer Center I knew that was the right thing."

The consultation room at St. Rita's Regional Cancer Center provides a quiet, comfortable place for physicians to meet one-on-one and talk with the patient and their family. In private, the family learns more about the diagnosis, treatment options and next steps.

"I had experienced firsthand the fear and anticipation in waiting for results," says Pasion. "I knew what it was like to be faced with all the decisions that have to be made and I thought the consultation room was a great idea. I wanted Nick's memory to be part of that."

Pasion not only contributes financially to the Medical Center but also serves on the Special Prospects Committee of St. Rita's Development Council. This committee seeks to recognize and thank Emerald Club donors who contribute $1,000 a year, as well as Tree of Mercy donors who have given cumulative gifts beginning at $10,000. They also invite and involve more individuals and families to give at this level.

"St. Rita's Development Council and the efforts of the Special Prospects Committee have played a large part in the enhanced medical services available in the Lima area," says Stolly. "Through the services provided at the medical center, St. Rita's is able to enhance the quality of life for members of our community by treating them locally with the most up-to-date technology and latest treatment techniques available."

Many choose to give to the Medical Center because they have been touched by the services available here. Others give for personal reasons.

Norb Davis is one such donor who contributes annually to the Medical Center. A Tree of Mercy member, Davis has given more than $10,000 to the Medical Center over the past 12 years.

"My wife worked as a surgical nurse at St. Rita's and all three of our children were born here," Davis explained. "St. Rita's was always good to us and I wanted to help in my own way to take care of things at St. Rita's."

Davis made his first gift to the Medical Center in memory of his wife in 1994 and has continued contributing since that time. He also sponsored a tree in the Tribute Garden at St. Rita's Regional Cancer Center.

"I am a Tree of Mercy member so I thought a tree was appropriate," he explained. The tree is offered in loving memory of his wife, June. "My wife was the main reason I made my first donation," says Davis. "I have just kept going from there. St. Rita's is really doing some wonderful things."

"The generosity of our donors is helping St. Rita's Medical Center to make the community a better place by providing peace of mind that the services you and your family may need are available when you need them," adds Stolly. "St. Rita's is helping the community to be a better place which in turn makes individuals and families better too."

More than 195 individuals, businesses and organizations are members of the Tree of Mercy. A large tree in the main lobby of the Medical Center recognizes these donors.

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(419) 226-9044
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Special Prospects Committee Members:

Tim Stolly - Chairman
Sheila Guagenti
Tom Leininger
Joanne Pasion
Stephanie Patick
Mary Payne
Daniel Rupert
Beth Ryan         Herbert Schumm, M.D.
Karen Wright