About Us
Medication Safety

At St. Rita’s Medical Center, we work very hard to ensure that each of our patients receives competent, quality care. To help us with that goal there are several steps you can take to help the Medical Center improve your medication safety.
  • Bring your medications and the list of medications you are taking when you come to the Medical Center. Your doctors and nurses will need to know what medications you are taking.
  • After your physician has reviewed your medications, send them home with your family, unless you have been instructed to do otherwise. While you are in the Medical Center you may not need the same medications.
  • Tell your physician you want to know the names of each medication and the reason you are taking them. Knowing this information will help if anyone tells you something different. You will know to ask questions which may help prevent a potential error.
  • Look at all the medications before you take them. If it doesn’t look like what you usually take, ask why. It might be a generic drug, or it might be the wrong drug. Ask the same questions you would ask if you were at the pharmacy.
  • Do not let anyone give you medications without checking your hospital ID bracelet every time. This helps prevent you from getting someone else’s medications.
  • Before any test or procedure, ask if it will require any dyes or medicines. Remind your nurse or physician if you have allergies.
  • When you are ready to go home, have your physician, nurse or pharmacist review each medication with you and a family member. Update your medication list from home if any prescriptions change or if new medications are added.

For More Information
(419) 227-3361
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When asked about the medications you take, remember to tell your healthcare professional about any over the counter drugs or herbal remedies you may be taking.